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BOD Job Descriptions & Duties:



1.    Preside over the monthly LHTG BOD meetings.

2.  Prepare agenda for LHTG monthly meetings with help and input from Board Members.

3.  Be the designated person to interact with the SCLH Facilities manager on any matters relating to the courts.

4.  Go to meetings that may pertain to LHTG matters and represent LHTG at these meetings.

5.  Write Newsletters to members with Board member’s assistance on a quarterly basis or more frequently (monthly when necessary).

6.  See that the Board members have the support they need to perform the duties of their position.  


Director of Finance:

1.     Collect and record annual membership dues (Excel).

2.   Deposit all dues and other income into LHTG bank account.

3.  Maintain records of income and disbursements.

4.  Collect all money related to tournament fees, social activities.

5.  Issue checks for all activities and board business.

6.  Submit financial statement at general membership meetings.

7.  Submit financial statements to Lincoln Hills Community Association.

8.  Submit all documents required for audit.

9.  Knowledge of Quick Books and EXCEL spreadsheets is required, to work with the developed apps

10. Attend monthly Board of Director Meetings

Director of Communications:

1.   Responsible for all communications to the LHTG (except for communications from the President)

2.   Send all event information throughout the year via email to membership.

3.   Publish the LHTG Calendar of Events via email and post a copy at the Pavilion.

4.   Send welcome email and LHTG membership list to new members.

5.   Create new membership roster (using Excel) and keep current all updates throughout the year.  Quarterly updates sent out.

6.   Compose and record minutes from monthly board meetings and general meetings. Save all records for annual audit and next year’s communication director.

7.   Write monthly articles for the Compass and Senior Notes Newspaper.

8.   Replace chalk at pavilion blackboard and monitor postings on bulletin board.

9.   Submit the 2018 officers (group contacts update form) along with minutes from the December General Meeting to Shelvie Smith at OC.

Social Activities Director:

  1. Plan and assist with annual budget for cost and expense of events.

  2. Plan and execute tournament and social events for the members.

  3. Establish committee to assist with scheduled events for the year.

  4. Select and reserve rental facilities, caterers, bar, music and decorations.

  5. Coordinate with SCLH Association personnel for event needs.

  6. Meet with committee to plan events in advance, purchases, decorations etc.

  7. Set up and maintain records for each event.

  8. Submit event costs to financial director for reimbursement and event recap.

  9. Store event and tennis tournament inventory supply bins.Prepare for and attend monthly Board meetings.

  10. Book reservations at KS for semi-annual membership meetings in June and December.

Tournament Director: 

1.    Attend LHTG BOD meetings

2.    Establish 2018 tournament dates to Board for approval

3.    Generate tournament notices and entry forms

4.    Post forms at the pavilion

5.    Arrange small committee to assist with the draw

6.    Communicate with Social Director for food and prize preparation

7.    Purchase balls for tournament and send receipt to Finance Director

8.    Communicate with Tournament Chairs to determine check-in times for players

9.    Oversee tournament and assist tournament chairs

10.  Hand out awards to winners and have pictures taken

11.  Send pictures to webmaster for posting on the LHTG web site


1.    Attend LHTG BOD meetings.

2.  Post the LHTG monthly meeting minutes on the website.

3.  Add web content such as (but not limited to) flyers, entry forms, photos as requested and approved by the BOD.

4.  Responsible to maintain the domain registration and subscription to the hosting site (currently